Northern Mythology V2 Northern Mythology: Comprising The Principal Popular Traditions And Superstitions Of Scandinavia, North Germany And The Netherlands V2Author: Benjamin Thorpe Date Published: 1851 A rich overview of folkloric tales and spirits of Scandinavia. Read on Google BooksOther BooksSeventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom The Poetic Edda, Bellows The Poetic Edda, Bellows Norse Revival: Transformations of Germanic Neopaganism Norse Revival: Transformations of Germanic Neopaganism The Poetic Edda, Dronke The Poetic Edda, Dronke D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths The Poetic Edda, Crawford The Poetic Edda, Crawford Gesta Danorum, Elton Gesta Danorum, Elton Seidways Seidways Worshiping Loki Worshiping Loki The Prose Edda, Public Domain The Prose Edda, Public Domain