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Heathen Practice

Common Misconceptions in Old Norse Religion
By Arith Härger. Arith discusses modern-day misconceptions about Heathenry and Ásatrú, complete with sources.

Norse Spirituality – The Parts of the Self
By Arith Härger. Arith discusses in-depth the Norse view of the soul, which is comprised of multiple parts that all serve distinct functions.

Wyrd and Orlog – The Norse Destiny
By Arith Härger. Arith discusses the Norse concepts of Wyrd and Orlog, or the Norse concepts of relativity and destiny.

A Gift calls for a Gift – The Circle of Gift Giving
By Arith Härger. Arith talks about the Norse pagan Gifting Cycle; what it is, the history of it, and its spiritual significance.

What is Animism?
By Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen. Rune gives an overview of Animism, a concept that permeates a lot of Norse Pagan practices.
Norse Mythology Retellings

Legends Summarized: The Poetic Edda
By Overly Sarcastic Productions. Red discusses the Poetic Edda and retells some select stories from it.

The Aesir-Vanir War – Extra Mythology
By Extra Credits. The war of the Aesir and the Vanir retold. NOTE: Some info in this video is speculation, such as Freyja = Gullveig.

Miscellaneous Myths: Utgard-Loki
By Overly Sarcastic Productions. Red recounts the story of Thor and Loki meeting a strange illusionist named Utgard-Loki and the trials he gave them.

Miscellaneous Myths: Loki’s Wager
By Overly Sarcastic Productions. Red retells the story of how Asgard got many of its treasures…and how Loki exploited semantics to keep his head on his shoulders.

Miscellaneous Myths: Ragnarok
By Overly Sarcastic Productions. Red discusses Ragnarok, the battle that ended the Norse Gods.

History Summarized: Vikings!
By Overly Sarcastic Productions. Blue gives a brief overview of Viking history and clears up some common misconceptions about these seafaring Norse people.
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This page was last modified on May 7, 2021